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Ramsay, John Ernest Rowe


Regimental number: 534257
Battalion / unit at enlistment: 8th Sask Hospital
U of S affiliation at enlistment: had degree or certificate
Birth: 4 Nov 1886, Unionville, ON, Canada
College Building memorial: Second floor, northwest
Slide number(s): HR-2131
Notes: RoS - Unable to identify

U of S attendance

Entry date College Left - date Left - reason Degree Degree - date Notes
1916 Pharm 1916 prof exam certificate 1916

Military service - attestation

Volunteer/drafted: volunteer
Attestation place: Saskatoon
Attestation date: 28 Mar 1916
Present address: Saskatoon, SK
Occupation: druggist
Religion: Methodist
Age: 30 years, 7 months
Height (inches): 68.50
Chest expansion (inches): 35.00
Amount of expansion (inches): 5.00

Military service - assignments

Group Type Location First known date Last known date Reason for end of assignment Notes
8th Sask Hospital           


Rank Date Notes


Mother: Rqamsey, Jane Ann
Mother's Address: Carnduff, SK, Canada (1916)

Non-military addresses

Address Occupation Earliest date Latest date Source Notes
Smithville  student 1910 1911 U of S Calendar


National Archives reference: RG 150 Box 8084 - 37
College Building list #: 299
Roll of Honour list #: 172
Roll of Service (1928) #:
Long List #: 277

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