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Smith, Allan A



Regimental number: 910949
Battalion / unit at enlistment: 196th Bn
U of S affiliation at enlistment: had degree or certificate
Killed, died or wounded: wounded
Birth: 7 May 1894, Minto, MB, Canada
College Building memorial: Second floor, southwest
Slide number(s): HR-2067, HR-2068

U of S attendance

Entry date College Left - date Left - reason Degree Degree - date Notes
1912 Agro 1915 grad A.A. 1915

Military service - attestation

Volunteer/drafted: volunteer
Attestation place: Saskatoon
Attestation date: 29 Mar 1916
Present address: Saskatoon, SK
Occupation: student
Religion: Methodist
Age: 21 years, 10 months
Height (inches): 66.50
Chest expansion (inches): 39.50
Amount of expansion (inches): 4.00

Military service - assignments

Group Type Location First known date Last known date Reason for end of assignment Notes
196th Bn           
46th Bn    France      


Rank Date Notes


Decoration type Notes


Wound type Date Notes
  4 Sep 1918


Father: Smih, Charles S
Father's Address: Brock, SK, Canada (1916)

Non-military addresses

Address Occupation Earliest date Latest date Source Notes
Brock  student 1912 1915 U of S Calendar


National Archives reference: RG 150 Box 9008 - 1
College Building list #: 247
Roll of Honour list #: 183
Roll of Service (1928) #: 275
Long List #: 296

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