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Andrews, Cyprian Herbert


Battalion / unit at enlistment: RFC
U of S affiliation at enlistment: student
College Building memorial: Second floor, southeast
Slide number(s): HR-2013

U of S attendance

Entry date College Left - date Left - reason Degree Degree - date Notes
1914 Arts 1919 grad B.A. 1919 cr 5 classes for enlisting

Military service - assignments

Group Type Location First known date Last known date Reason for end of assignment Notes
RFC   Camp Borden ON, Canada       may be idno 242 C.H. Andrews


Rank Date Notes

Non-military addresses

Address Occupation Earliest date Latest date Source Notes
Regina  student 1914 1917 U of S Calendar
Regina  student 1918 1919 U of S Calendar


National Archives reference: not found
College Building list #: 208
Roll of Honour list #:
Roll of Service (1928) #:
Long List #:

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