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Ashley, Arthur William



Regimental number: 487330
Battalion / unit at enlistment: 5th University Co.
U of S affiliation at enlistment: student
Killed, died or wounded: gassed
Birth: 2 Dec 1894, Weston Super Mare, Somerset, England
College Building memorial: First floor, northeast
Slide number(s): HR-1101, HR-1102

U of S attendance

Entry date College Left - date Left - reason Degree Degree - date Notes
1914 Arts - Emm         still student 1920-21, not in 22 grad list

Military service - attestation

Volunteer/drafted: volunteer
Attestation place: Saskatoon
Attestation date: 22 Nov 1915
Present address: Saskatoon, SK
Occupation: divinity student
Religion: Anglican
Age: 20 years
Height (inches): 69.00
Chest expansion (inches): 36.50
Amount of expansion (inches): 2.50
Marks: appendix scar

Military service - assignments

Group Type Location First known date Last known date Reason for end of assignment Notes
5th University Co.           


Rank Date Notes
Corporal   RoS


Wound type Date Notes


Father: Ashley, William
Father's Address: Holmwood Lodge, South RD., Weston Super Mare, Somerset, England (1915)

Non-military addresses

Address Occupation Earliest date Latest date Source Notes
Weston, UK student 1914 1916 U of S Calendar
Holmwood S Rd., Weston super Mare, England   1928   1928 list
UK student 1919 1921 U of S Calendar
1928 list = "List of Students who enlisted during the Great War," U of S Archives. The list was completed after F. Underhill went to the University of Toronto in 1927; probably in conjunction with the Memorial Gates. Some of the addresses may be from an earlier date.


National Archives reference: RG 150 Box 266 - 23
College Building list #: 107
Roll of Honour list #: 6
Roll of Service (1928) #: 76
Long List #: 76

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