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Name Regimental number Battalion/unit on enlistment
Accelton, H   Royal Field Artillery
Aird, Hugh    
Alexander, Laurence Guy 910904 196th Bn
Allen, John Bolton 74027 28th Bn
Allingham, Hugh Carter 81010 32nd Bn
Anderson, Andrew Melville 260612  
Anderson, Loyde Sinkler   RAF
Anderson, Renwick William Hunter 426240 C.M.R.
Andreen, Andrew Eugene   RAF
Andrews, Cyprian Herbert   RFC
Art, James Blair   RFC
Ashley, Arthur William 487330 5th University Co.
Baggs, Charles Reginald 487437 PPCLI
Bailey, Albert F    
Bailey, Austin Haynes   110th Bn
Baker, Richard Edward St. Barbe   King Edward Horse
Balfour, James Stevenson 461089 PPCLI
Balfour, Reginald McLeod   RFC
Ball, Spencer 910856 196th Bn
Barr, Erland Edward 911060 196th Bn
Barr, Hamilton 74208 28th Bn
Bate, George Aubrey 910915 196th Bn
Bateman, Reginald John Godfrey 74029 28th Bn
Bayles, Sidney Moore 910864 196th Bn
Bayne, Charles McVicar 781636 128th Bn
Bays, Percy Clarence 487301 5th University Co.
Beaton, William Dobie 2193309 196th Bn
Bell, Arthur Stanley 487482 PPCLI
Berry, Harry 74030 28th Bn
Besrodny, J   Russian Army
Binnie, John Alexander   RFC
Black, John 472481 65th Bn
Blackburn, Charles David Cecil 411100 PPCLI
Blackburn, Joseph   AMC
Blair, Harold James 910924 196th Bn
Boden, C A   RAF
Bodman, Geoffrey Baldwin   RFC
Bond, Samuel Wallace 2382828 1st Depot BN MB
Booth, John Franklin   1st Depot Bn MB
Boughner, Clifford Carleen   RAF
Bradley, Vernon William 2382801 1st Depot Bn MB
Brailsford, William 1051324 243rd Bn
Brehaut, Louis 74033 28th Bn
Bremner, Charles Jamieson 910906 196th Bn
Bridgeman, Oscar Cleon 2382534 1st Depot BN MB
Brown, J Ross    
Bryan, Leonard Arthur 781852 2nd CMR
Brydon, James 910893 196th Bn
Bunn, Charles Harvey 411102 1st Univ Co
Bunn, John Rich 2673713 CAMC
Burd, Frederick   Princess Louise Bn
Burd, Walter 74034 28th Bn
Burke, Daniel Clive 2193314 196th Bn
Burris, C A   USN
Byles, Stephen Roussel   YMCA
Caldwell, Thomas 487335 5th Univ Co
Cameron, Charles Neil 411071 PPCLI
Cameron, Henry George 2193312 196th Bn
Cameron, John 411070 PPCLI
Cantelon, Harry Ray 411073 1st Univ Co
Canzi, Frank Alexander 500285 Signal Service
Carr, C(ecil) J(ohn)   RAF
Cassidy, William Lloyd 2382433 1st Depot BN MB
Caswell, Walter Buchanan 106135 CMR
Cayford, Paul Palmer   RAF
Channell, Gordon Mortimer 2193311 196th Bn
Chatfield, Alfred Ernest 529546 AMC
Clark, Cable Boville 910887 196th Bn
Clark, Herbert Moses Benjamin 910874 196th Bn
Clark, Willis Lumgair   PPCLI
Coates, Walter George 901857 196th Bn
Codling, William Mansell 910959 196th Bn
Coghill, John George 502654 Canadian Enginers Overseas
Colbiornsen, Almond Ludvig 2193338 196th Bn
Coles, Arnott Jeffrey 2380996 1st Depot BN MB
Colvin, John G 104170 68th Bn
Cooke, Bradford Alexander 910863 196th Bn
Cooney, Leonard Oliver 531724 11th Field Amb
Coppock, Frank Houston 2476523 CAMC
Cowan, John Stewart 523890 1st Field Amb
Crawford, Kenneth Branaman 531771 11th Field Ambulance
Cumming, James Douglas   196th Bn
Curiston, Charles Roland    
Davis, William Henry   Chaplain Service
Dawson, John Kenneth 910876 196th Bn
Dawson, P W   RAF
Day, Geoffrey William 74037 28th Bn
Diefenbaker, Elmer Clive   RAF
Diefenbaker, John George Bannerman    
Dillon, Reginald James 910869 196th Bn
Dimock, Hedly Seldon 2193304 196th Bn
Dobson, George Aubrey   RFC
Donaldson, George Tait 910992 196th Bn
Douglas, Andrew 910902 196th Bn
Douthwaite, Asher Brown Cyril   RAF
Downer, Charles William 910900 11th Field Amb
Drysdale, William   RAF
Dunbar, W   RAF
Duncan, William George 81232 32nd Bn
Dunlop, E C   RAF
Eatock, Harold S   RAF
Eaton, John W   AIC
Ecob, Percival Ewart Chapman 411086 PPCLI
Egar, Henry 475454 4th Univ Co
Elder, William Gardiner 475453 4th University Co.
Elliott, Lorne Burton 911029 196th Bn
Elliott, Russell Howard 910905 196th Bn
Elliott, William Kenneth 2413324 infantry
Evans, Wilfred John   1st Univ Co
Feenie, Conrad Campbell 411079 PPCLI
Fenton, John Joseph 911064 196th Bn
Ferguson, George Alexander   11th Bn
Fisher, John 411076 1st Univ Co
Follens, Eugene Maurice   USA
Forbes, John Campbell 475451 4th University Co.
Forbes, William Kenneth 3346388  
Freer, Frederick James   196th Bn
French, J W   RAF
Frost, Francis George 74039 28th Bn
Fyfe, Robert John   10th CMRR
Garrod, William Francis 74041 28th Bn
Gertz, P   infantry
Gilmer, Ernest Richard 1637 CAMC
Gilmour, William B A 204030 203rd Bn
Gilpin, Charles Ridgeway 411093 PPCLI
Gloag, Robert 910923 196th Bn
Glover, Geoffrey 910910 196th Bn
Godby, Herbert Alder 487436 Univ Co
Gordon, John A 3352211 1st Depot Bn SK
Goulden, Oscar William 910870 196th Bn
Graham, James Donald 411088 1st Univ Co
Graham, V J   RAF
Grant, General Middleton 258649 1st Depot Bn SK
Grant, Robert Carlton 411065 1st Univ Co
Gray, George John   11th Field Amb
Gray, Walter Arthur 531774 11th Field Amb
Greaves, Eric Miller 910865 196th Bn
Green, David Robert 2381881 1st Depot Bn MB
Green, G W   USA
Greenwood, Walter 910922 11th Field Amb
Grieves, Percival Ernest 259475 77th Bn
Gruchy, Arthur Gordon 74040 28th Bn
Hainstock, P A   RAF
Hall, Thomas 925915 152nd
Hall, William James 910784  
Hallett, Clifford Baron 2193310 196th Bn
Hamblett, Reginald William 487326 5th University Co.
Hampson, Thomas 411078 PPCLI
Harold, Robert Luther 910897 11th Field Amb
Harrington, Cyril N 411098 1st Univ Co
Harrington, J B   RAF
Hartley, Thomas Arnold 911021 196th Bn
Haslam, James Arthur 74042 28th Bn
Hatton, John St. Clair 3356070 RAF
Hay, Harry Stewart 3356373 Tank Bn
Headley, Glen Hawthorne   RAF
Heal, Samuel 15258 11th Bn
Heathcote, James Shirley   Coldstream Guards
Heaton, H   2nd Univ Co
Heffelfinger, Galen Gordon 524114 12th Can Field Amb
Henderson, William Walter 1250664 195th Bn
Hennequin, H J   RFC
Hill, James Gordon 910890 196th Bn
Homer, Lawrence 475885 3rd Univ Co
Hooper, William John Sparling 411091 PPCLI
Hopkins, Grenville Carson 2193335 196th Bn
Hossie, David Neill   King Edward Horse
House, John Wheeler 487332 5th Univ. Co.
Hughes, Ernest Lake 487403 5th University Co.
Hunt, Williis George 910875 196th Bn
Hunter, William Yeats   203rd Bn, Imperial Army
Ibbetson, William   Tank Bn
Irwin, Frank Clarence   YMCA
Jack, Herbert Alexander 487322 5th University Co.
Jeary, John Elijah 487327 PPCLI
Jefferson, George Chester 910868 196th Bn
Jeffries, Orlo Calvin   USA
Johnson, Albert Edward 910877 11th Field Amb
Joslyn, John Charleton 475903 Canadian Field Artillery
Keeler, Kenneth Powell   152nd Overseas Bn
Keffer, Franklin Mager 411083 1st Univ Co
Kisbey, Percy Dennington 411092 1st Univ Co
Knudtson, Milton Kenneth   RAF
Kyle, Allen Shaw   YMCA
Lambie, J   RFC
Lavers, Reginald Adolphus Frederick 487334 5th Univ Co
Leitch, Robert Stanley 910909 196th Bn
Lewis, Claude Elvis 267125 RFC
Lewis, Henry Yarwood 411090 1st Univ Co
Lewis, John Grant 523928 1st Field Amb
Lindal, Skuli Gudbrandur 910999 196th Bn
Little, Frank Clifton   53rd Bn
Lloyd, Arthur Stephen Kenyon 73080 196th Bn
Lloyd, Frank Percival   203rd Bn
Lloyd, William Exton 74043 28th Bn
Low, David Duncan 2684026 RNWMP Oveseas Cal Drft
Luckraft, Reginald Miller 531787 11th Field Amb
Lyon, Victor Wynne 523861 1st Can Tunneling Co.
MacDermid, John Edgar   11th Bn
Macdonald, Graham   RAF
Macdonald, J(ohn) (Ross)   77th Battery
MacEwen, Louis James 2193336 196th Bn
MacFarlane, John Duncan 504366 2nd Bn Canadian Engineers
MacFarlane, Joseph Arthur 531651 11th Field Amb
Macintosh, William Cameron 74501 28th Bn
Mackenzie, Chalmers Jack   196th Bn
Mackenzie, John Kenneth   infantry
MacMillan, Michael Allen   1st CMR
MacNutt, Thomas Russell 1250559 77th Battery CFA
Macpherson, John Ross M 411064 1st Univ Co
MacRae, Donald Colin 910881 12th Field Amb
Maguire, Percy Hathaway   RAF
Mahaffy, Albert Wesley   RAF
Masters, William Clark   USA
Mathews, Avard Yuill 411068 240th Bn
Matthews, Harvey T 910852 196th Bn
McConnell, Clifford 910866 196th Bn
McCordick, Robert Peverel 2193346 196th Bn
McCreedy, Hedley Vicars 436824 46th Bn
McDonald, Malcolm Martyn 21500 10th Bn
McDonald, Thomas Bruce 257300 1st Depot BN SK
McFerran, William Thomas 411081 ? Univ Co
McIssac, J J F   RAF
McKenzie, Kenneth 910942 196th BN
McMillan, Robert Stanley 528454 No. 2 Canad Army Medical Corps
McNaughton, William Gladstone 910858 196th Bn
McPherson, Frank Thomas   2nd University Co.
McRitchie, Herbert Ernest 523881 1st Field Amb
Mighton, Henry Victor 2765239 53rd Bn
Mildenberger, J J   RAF
Miner, Vernon Ulysses 910967  
Mitchell, Donald James 2382817 1st Depot Bn MB
Mitchell, Enoch Aldred 81599 10th Bn
Mitchell, J   96th Bn
Mitchell, John 204264 96th BN
Moir, Robert Clair 259676 1st Depot Bn SK
Moore, John James 910929 196th Bn
Morrison, E E   RAF
Moss, Harold Charles 2504566 Depot Bn,Railway Construction
Munro, Hector George 910919 11th Field Amb
Munro, John Matthew   CAMC
Murray, J 505015 Canadian Enginers Overseas
Mutch, George Alexander 260400 1st Depot Bn
Neatby, Alan Fairlie   PPCLI
Nesbitt, Fred 910908 196th Bn
Nicholls, Joseph Lees 411084 1st Univ Co
Nicholson, Allan Levi 910903 196th Bn
Nicholson, Angus 910854 196th Bn
Nicoll, James Rae Paterson 910953 196th Bn
Olding, Herbert 74047 28th Bn
Oliver, Edmund Henry   196th Bn chaplain
Oliver, John Payson   196th Bn
Palmer, Frederick Erik 910888 196th Bn
Palmer, Samuel Edward 2193301 196th Bn
Parlett, Arthur Edward Leeming   1st Univ Co
Paterson, George Irving   142nd Bn
Paterson, William Andrew 411094 PPCLI
Patterson, James Dick 411075 PPCLI
Paul, John Arnold 2147375 234th Bn
Pearson, Ronald Wilfred   53rd Bn
Pearson, William Charles 531680 28th Bn
Perley, Henry Dell 1250998 77th Depot Batery, CFA,CEF
Peters, George Israel 910939 46th Bn
Piercy, Chesley Hickman 1009912 249th Bn
Pitman, Robert Courtenay 475455 4th University Co.
Porter, George Frederick   128th Bn
Porter, Thomas Johnston 411097 PPCLI
Procter, Thomas David 259166 1st Depot BN SK
Quick, Leslie Arthur 411069 PPCLI
Rae, John Anderson   CAMC
Ramsay, John Ernest Rowe 534257 8th Sask Hospital
Reaney, John Eadon   28th Bn
Rees, Claire   VAD
Reid, Elwyn Robert 910931 196th Bn
Reynolds, George Graham   PPCLI
Ritchie, Thomas 487546 5th Univ Co
Rousay, Robert 887317 188th Bn
Rowles, Thomas 910880 196th Bn
Salter, Samuel Horace 2193316 PPCLI
Sangster, Douglas Russell   2nd University Co.
Saville, Henry 3345626 1st Depot Bn MB
Scott, Charles Andrew 74051 28th Bn
Scott, John Charles 255560 210th Bn
Sexsmith, William Percival 3345482 1st Depot Bn MB
Shannon, Reginald Lloyd 475510 3rd overseas university Co.
Shouldice, Stanley Hobbs 910873 196th Bn
Shuttleworth, Roy Eugene 2193332 196th Bn
Silcox, Hugh Alfred 114530 1st CMR
Silverson, L   RAF
Smith, Allan A 910949 196th Bn
Smith, Austin Barton   28th Bn
Smith, Hugh Sutherland 512129 Army Service Corps
Smith, John Henry 524319 CAMC
Smith, Ralph Bracken 911061 196th Bn
Smith, Robert Hugh 259887 1st Depot Bn SK
Spackman, Flower Stephen 73041 28th Bn
Sparling, Harvey Huston   PPCLI
Spence, Ronald Charles 910851 196th Bn
Starkings, Arthur George 487329 5th Univ Co
Stevenson, Truman   RAF
Stewart, Alan E   CAC HQ Sig Coy
Stewart, Andrew Ernest 505024  
Stewart, Lloyd Arthur 268090 65th Bn
Stewart, Robert 474009 65th Bn
Strain, John 318980 50th (Queen's) Battery
Streib, Frederick William   USN
Swift, George 886556 188th Bn
Tarbat, George P 234206 203rd Bn
Taylor, John Emeric Stuart   4th Battery
Taylor, Nelson Woodsworth   RAF
Thomson, Edwin Ernest 910853 196th Bn
Thomson, William Burr 1018386 Army Service Corps
Thorn, George Oliver 910855 196th Bn
Trowbridge, John T 524428 12th Field Amb
Turner, Harris 411096 1st Univ Co.
Turner, Harry Lawrence 268774 1st Depot Bn SK
Turriff, Robert Sifton 411072 1st Univ Co
Underhill, Frank Hawkins   4th University Co.
Van Blaricom, Earl Winfield 318907 50th (Queen's) Batery CFA
Vigfusson, Valdimar Alfred 260368 1st Depot Bn SK
Waind, William Raymond 2413317  
Waite, Gilbert Joseph 524318 CAMC
Walker, Ashley MacIntosh 911050 196th Bn
Walker, William Elliot 259423 1st Depot Bn SK
Warman, Richard Gordon 523845 28th Bn
Warren, John Henry   108th Bn
Watson, George Thomas 2293470 Ft. Garry Horse
Watson, Thomas Shanly   YMCA
Weir, George Moir 3353275  
Weir, John Alexander    
Wells, J F   RFC
Wesley-Long, Wellesley Tylney 1263566 1st Depot Bn SK
West, Edward 21775 11th Bn
West, Frank 257869 5th Univ Co
White, John McIntyre   YMCA
White, Julian Alexander 472533 46th Bn
Whittingham, Grover 910867 196th Bn
Whittingham, Walter Roy 411095 1st Univ Co
Wiklund, Paul Peter 2476389 44th Bn
Williams, John Dingle 411077 PPCLI
Williams, Thomas John   4th Univ Co
Willing, Norman Gillespie 2193302 196th Bn
Willing, Victor 910936 196th Bn
Wilson, Geoffrey   RAF
Wilson, J H   249th Bn
Wilson, Wilfrid Grant 411082 1st Univ Co
Wood, Reginald 2381405 1st Depot Bn MB
Wright, Arthur James 487336 5th University Co.
Wright, George 523782 1st Field Amb
Wright, Norman   A.Vet. Corps

350 names

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